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Dr. Frank Plummer, and Canada's National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, MB.

Writer's picture: CanuckCanuck

Article written on April 10, 2020

In February, it was discovered World Renowned Scientist Frank Plummer, who worked at Canada's National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, MB had passed away while in Kenya for a conference. He reportedly passed from a heart attack.

This article addresses many questions I’ve had, since last July when Scientists from China were escorted from the Winnipeg Virology Lab.

The Canadian MSM hasn’t provided any follow-up into what really happened at the Virology lab. In fact, this piece attempts to debunk it all. After all, it was simply a small “policy breach.”

There seems to be a real security issue happening at this Virology Lab which should concern all Canadians.  The lab didn’t tell the police when 22 vials were stolen from the Winnipeg Lab.

Dr. Plummer’s passing on February 4, 2020 is very suspect. Dr. Plummer started his career in Nairobi, Kenya at the beginning of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. He worked in partnership with the University of Manitoba and The University of Nairobi.

He worked at the Majengo Clinic in Nairobi, now funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. What’s interesting in this article, is the “trust” formed between foundation and sex trade workers. This was Dr. Plummer’s lifework. 

Dr. Plummer has been given 100’s of awards in his career, including being named the Office of the Order of Canada, in 2006, and the Flavelle Medal from the Royal Society of Canada, in 2018.

In 2016, he also received the Canada Gairdner Wightman Award, which honours outstanding leadership in medicine and medical science. It looks like a Globalist Slush fund-the recipient recieves $100,000.

Who was presented with an award the same evening as Dr. Plummer? Dr. Fauci, the American face of the CoronaVirus.

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Plummer were involved in researching CRISPR, gene editing technology. This is incredibly interesting, as when the Corona Virus first hit outside of Wuhan, it was reported the Coronavirus was far more likely to bond to human cells, due to an HIV-like mutation.

Plummer served as Scientific Director of Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg. He led the response to SARS, H1N1, and the development of the Ebola vaccine used in response to the outbreak in West Africa. Yes, this Winnipeg Level 4 National Microbiology Lab.

Plummer worked there for 14 years, and ended his position in 2014 for “personal reasons.

Dr. Plummer struggled with alcoholism and received experimental brain stimulation to treat his alcohol use disorder. 

The Winnipeg Lab was reportedly a very toxic workplace, with many issue’s. There were a whole hosts of problems at the National Microbiology Lab in question, including disgruntled employees.

I can only assume Plummer left due to health issue’s, although his work with WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seemed to accelerate following his departure.

In June of 2005, Dr. Plummer and his team received $8.3 million US over five years from the Gates Foundation to continue the studies on Kenyan prostitutes to develop a potential vaccine against HIV.

When Dr. Plummer passed, Dr. Theresa Tam, a close personal friend gave a tribute to him on twitter, as did Prime Minister Trudeau. Dr. Tam has become the face of Coronavirus Response in Canada.

Dr. Theresa Tam is part of the Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme. Other members of that committee are representatives from USAID (United States Agency for International Development), and UNICEF.

Clearly friends, and associates, they likely knew each other well. Dr. Plummer guided the Canadian public-health policy in his various roles, including chief science officer, senior adviser and acting chief public-health officer at the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Dr. Tam is doing as good of a job for Canadians, as faux Dr. Fauci is in the US. Both have been wrong on absolutely everything.

There’s an interesting Transcript online from the Standing Committee on Health in the House of Commons. Dr. Plummer joined through Video Conferencing. It was pretty spicy! And very telling. 

The issue at hand prompting the Committee Review? Questioning the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Dr. Plummer's involvement in the Canadian HIV vaccine initiative, and relationship with the International Center for Infectious Diseases.

A massive project funded by the Canadian Govt didn’t see the light of day. Instead of building the new vaccine lab in Canada as proposed, it was outsourced Internationally to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which was not what was initially proposed.

The committee wanted accounting of where the money went and why it went to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation instead of the Canadian facilities that applied for the funding. The new facility would have created employment in Canada, trained more Canadian Scientists.

Dr. Plummer’s associate who was also at the Committee Meeting stated the money was disbursed in this fashion.

Canadian Government funds misappropriated? I wonder how many more millions of Canadian Tax dollars have been siphoned off to the Gates Foundation, and WHO under the auspice of research? Dr. Plummer’s associate who was being questioned was not amused.

Seems the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been buying Scientists around the world en masse. At the University of Manitoba alone, here’s some donations made public.

In fact, the University of Manitoba is the biggest non-US beneficiary of the Gates Foundation, which received $175 million, followed by the University of Oxford ($166m).

Why is an exorbitant amount of Canadian Tax Dollar money being funneled to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the WHO?

When former National Chinese Scientists were under investigation at the National Microbiology Lab, Dr. Plummer made many comments on the matter.

Curiously, Dr. Plummer was talking Corona Virus, during his SARS research as far back as 2003. Given his past work on CRISPR, I think this recent outbreak demands answers.

How this all plays out remains unknown at this time, but is becoming more suspect as time marches on.

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