Article written July 8, 2019
To understand the Bronfman Family, NXIVM and their global connections, we need to take a closer look at the Canadian Bronfman family. We’ll begin with Charles, brother of Edgar Sr.

Charles Bronfman was born in Montreal, and son to Samuel Bronfman. As we learned, Edgar Sr moved to the US to control American Seagrams interests, while brother Charles Bronfman remained in Canada.

Charles stated, he is “Canadian in his heart but wanted to get dual citizenship in order to vote in the United States.” Charles had two children, Stephen and Ellen Bronfman.
Charles and his brother, Edgar Sr. inherited Seagrams after the death of their father, Sam Bronfman. Charles is a former Co-Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd. He was owner of the Montreal Expos franchise in Major League Baseball from the team's formation in 1968 until 1990.

Since 1986, Charles served as Chairman of The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, Inc. It operated in Canada, America and Israel.
From November 1997 until July 2002, Charles Bronfman was the Chairman of the Board of Koor Industries Ltd., one of Israel's largest investment holding companies.
In 2013, Charles sent a letter to Israeli PM Netanyahu urging him to "work closely" with Secretary of State John Kerry "to devise initiatives, which would represent Israel's readiness to make painful territorial sacrifices for the sake of peace."

Charles and Michael Steinhardt co-founded Taglit Birthright, a program which provides a free, educational travel experience to Israel for young Jewish adults. Bronfman is one of its principal donors. Nothing to see here.

Another initiative Charles Bronfman joined was the Giving Pledge, of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Bronfman also founded The Charles Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine (IPM) at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, which is aimed at driving innovation in the data-driven and gene-based individualization of healthcare.

“The Charles Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine is revolutionizing medicine and health care based on your personal DNA and data....Our world-class faculty is leading the way in discovering genetic underpinnings of common diseases and in advancing genome-informed medicine at the Mount Sinai Health System.”
To understand how the Bronfman family influenced Canadian Politics, particularly the Liberal Party, here is a list of Awards Charles received throughout his career. Most notable being made a Member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada. The Elite do like their awards and accolades. Sadly, the awards with a monetary component are simply another way of "washing" money from their ill-gotten gains.

Charles had a close “family” friend, Leo Kolber, the jokingly self-proclaimed “consigliere” of the Bronfman family and longtime pillar of the Liberal Party establishment.
Mr Kolber ran many of the Bronfmans’ businesses for decades, becoming wealthy himself in the process.

Revealed in the Paradise Papers, documents suggested Mr Bronfman’s investment company, Claridge, for a quarter of a century quietly helped move millions offshore via Kolber family entities that avoided taxes in Canada, the US and Israel, via a family trust, & shell companies. To remedy tax concerns over the years, the Bronfman and Kolber advisers kept 2 sets of books, opened shell companies in tax havens including Nevada and the British Virgin Islands and other offshore trusts, working the laws of three different countries to circumvent taxes.
To reward Kolber for moving money to illegal offshore accounts on behalf of the Bronfman’s, in 1983, long time family friend Pierre Trudeau, who was then finishing his tenure as one of Canada’s longest-serving prime ministers, appointed Mr Kolber to the Canadian Senate.

“How often do I have to go?” Mr Kolber asked. “Just show up once in awhile,” Pierre Trudeau responded. “It’s no big deal.” Like father, like son.

The next year, Mr Trudeau’s Liberal successor, John Turner, appointed Mr Kolber the party’s chief fundraiser. Mr Kolber flew around Canada on the Bronfmans’ jet, raising millions for the party and eventually adopting the nickname, “the Bagman.”
It must be noted how these Elite, and many other prominent families have remained power players in the Political arena generationally.
The story of the Kolber Trusts also raises a larger question about potential conflict of interest at the intersection of wealth and political power at the highest levels in Canada.
Kolber had a personal hand in paving the way for the rise of the Globalists Elites in Canada, creating “Foundations and LLC Companies” thus making our Politicians rich in the process, by hiding their ill-gotten gains.
A section needs to be added about The Bronfman Family and McGill University in Montreal. The Samuel Bronfman Chair in Management was established at McGill University in January 1942. That’s how long the Bronfman family has been financing the Elitist University.

The Bronfman family in 1971, helped to establish the Bronfman Building at McGill University, which houses the Desautels Faculty of Management. The building was named in his honour as appreciation for his donations to the university.

The Bronfman family has continued its support of the university; in 1993 they created the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, and in 2002 donated the Seagram Building on Sherbrooke St. to McGill.

Knowing what we know about the Cabal, and the CIA, I feel it incredibly relevant now more then ever to include this dark piece of Canadian History as it relates to McGill University and MK Ultra. This lends further credibility that McGill is a facility run by the CIA. When donations are made by prominent families and foundations, they're funding black op programs like MK Ultra.
Dr. Cameron, former psychiatrist at McGill University, conducted CIA-funded experiments in the 1950s and 1960s involving sleeping drugs, electroshock therapy and the powerful hallucinogenic LSD to see if the brain could be reprogrammed.

In1977 it emerged that the CIA had been funding experiments in mind-control brainwashing at the McGill Institute as part of a North America-wide project known as MK Ultra.
Cameron, the psychiatrist behind the experiments, died in 1967 of a heart attack while mountain climbing, but recent decades have seen various attempts by former patients and their families to hold the Canadian government and the CIA accountable.
MK Ultra Program was also operational at Columbia and Stanford Universities. Given the Bronfman familial NXIVM ties, and their Nazi-Like human experimentation, their connection to McGill University is significant.
The amount of Politicians, Actors, Actresses, Media personalities and Scientists that graduated from McGill University is pretty astounding. CIA=Clown College.

Some Famous McGill Alumni Include: William Shatner, Leonard Cohen, Charles Krauthammer, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Tim Wu, Lester B Pearson, Samantha Bee, Kamala Harris, Cameron Mathison, Wilfred Laurier, Gerald Butts, Justin Trudeau, Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau, Evan Goldberg(childhood friend of Seth Rogan, made movies Superbad, This is the End and Pineapple Express), Dr. Joanne Liu-Doctors Without Borders, helped people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. Julie Payette, the second Canadian women to ever fly into space.

Now that I've focused on Charles Bronfman, and his contribution to the shadow government,
Next, let's turn our attention to Charles Bronfman's only daughter Ellen. Ellen Bronfman Hauptman is the daughter of Charles Bronfman, and sister to Stephen. She attended St. Georges School in Montreal, and graduated from Yale University. She married Andrew Hauptman, whom she met at Yale. They have two kids.

Ellen’s husband Andrew Hauptman was born to a Jewish family and raised in Smithtown, NY. He graduated from Yale and Harvard. He worked at Alex. Brown & Sons in NY City, and later with Universal Studios in London with Ellen’s cousin Edgar Bronfman
Ellen and Andrew met at Yale. Alex Brown & Sons, where Andrew later worked, is suspected to be a CIA run company. It became a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank just prior to 9/11. Wouldn’t you know it-Andrew worked in restructuring, mergers and acquisitions.
Was Alex Brown & Sons a CIA Front? ABS was accused of insider trading, post 9/11 (where many 9/11 hijackers handled their banking transactions ex. Mohammed Atta) and traded massive put option purchases on United Airlines Company through the Chicago Board Option Exchange (CBOE).
On September 12, 2001 the chairman of the board of Deutsche Bank Alex Brown, Mayo A Shattuck III, suddenly resigned, although he still had a three-year contract with an annual salary of several million US dollars.
In 2002, Andrew and Ellen moved to LA and bought a mansion in Bel Air for $20 million. Huge attention was made in March 2018 when Ellen and Andrew, decided to sell their Bel-Air Mansion for $85 million. 2018-interesting timing on the downsizing.
Democrats enjoyed fundraising events at the Bronfman mansion. In 2016, a fundraiser featuring Clinton's VP running mate, Tim Kaine was held at the Bronfman home. Elton John gave a performance, exclusively for massive million dollar donors.
In fact, Andrew Hauptman showed up in John Podesta’s leaked Wikileaks email titled “LA List” which includes an extensive list of heavy hitting Democrat Donors from LA and Hollywood. Andrew made the “list”
It would appear they downsized their home for some strange reason to a meager $16 million home in Brentwood in 2018.
Was the family aware of impending charges coming to Sara and Clare, as Clare needed to post $100 million bail in July 2018?
On July 24/18 Clare was able to post the 100 million dollar bail.
Ellen and Andrew founded Andell Inc, formerly Andell Holdings LLC. The company “manages assets that grew out of Seagrams. Andell's activities are divided between direct holdings in public & private companies and partnerships with top-tier investment managers around the globe.”

Andell owns many entertainment companies, similar to Edgar Bronfman Jr's.
For example, British producers Graham Broadbent and Damian Jones joined forces with Ellen Bronfman and Andrew Hauptman’s Andell Entertainment to launch a new film company, Mission Pictures.
Another example of their “partnerships” is with Robert DeNiro’s production company Tribeca Productions. “Those who scream the loudest”

Andrew is also owner of Major League Soccer’s Chicago Fire. Hauptman runs the Team under Andell Inc. Hauptman is heavily involved in Chicago Philanthropy, and made a million dollar donation to the Obama Foundation.
He had this to say about his team kneeling for the National Anthem, “They’re not doing it to disrespect [the flag] but to shine a light, express their conscience and make a positive difference. I encourage our team to use their voice for good.”
There's a rather long list of Andrew's affiliations, listed on Atlas Partners, a Toronto based company where he is part of the Advisory Board.
Ellen is involved in numerous philanthropic pursuits. She is Co-Founder of The Hauptman Family Foundation, Co-Founder and board member of City Year Los Angeles, Co-Founder of The Charles Bronfman Prize, a Humanitarian Award....exhaustive list.
Here are the LLC Shell Companies:

The Charles Bronfman Prize was started by Ellen and Stephen Bronfman and issues awards in the Canadian Justice System of $100,000 once/year. This year, it was given to Amy Bach, personal friend to Samantha Powers-part of the nomination committee.
Other notable donations from Ellen's Alma and Andrew include donations to Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry.
Ellen was a Yale graduate. The donation to John Kerry, Yale Skull and Bones Alumni should come as no surprise. He accepts donations from anybody.

We’re starting to see the larger Bronfman picture, as they’re all politically connected, and “wash” money through their “foundations” and associated with Deep State Swamp creatures. We're beginning to see how NXIVM was able to operate for so long without repercussions. The Bronfman's infiltrated both the United States and Canada using their "dual citizenship" status.
Money and influence talk, and the Bronfman family is not in short supply of either.
In my next article, I will turn my focus to Stephen Bronfman, as he is a massive Canadian Deep State Cabal swamp creature.