To anybody who's paid attention the past 4 years, and have witnessed the Trump phenomenon, what happened on election night became quite obvious to those who witnessed election fraud in real time. None of the numbers add up, mathematical impossibilities, and then the media projecting a winner when recounts and and legal battles are still to be had. Many states have STILL not finished counting their ballots. The media does not have a legal right to declare a Presidential Winner. That is decided by the Electoral College on December 14, 2020.
From hundreds of thousands of ballots showing up at 4am on November 4, 2020-all for Joe Biden, to voting machines glitching flipping 6000 votes in Biden's favor, fraud became apparent quite early. Republican poll watchers were not allowed to observe counts in Philadelphia and many other counties. What is fascinating is that Dominion Voting Machines were used in all instances, and it is not the first time these machines have come under fire.
Dominion Voting System is also being used in 47 other Michigan counties. These machines are widely used across the US, Canada and Globally. The CEO of Dominion Voting John Poulos, was invited to a Congressional Hearing after National Security concerns were raised, as the machines used has Chinese Computer Parts. There was a hearing held in front of the House Administration Committee on election integrity. Ironically, Robert Mueller's Baseless Special Counsel Investigation into President Trump and his report, including a previous indictment of 12 Russian agents confirmed Russians also targeted private vendors that provided election software. The Russians successfully breached at least one company, its name redacted in the reports, “and installed malware on the company network”, according to the Mueller report.
John Poulos written statement to congress on the integrity of his election machines.
There was concern expressed, as Dominion Voting Systems use hardware and software from Chinese Companies that can be seen as a security concern. The hardware and software in question, is Hammer and Scorecard. Both were created by the CIA to change results of elections in foreign countries. This time, it was used in their own country to effect the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election. Sidney Powell, who will be representing President Trump as it relates to this technology stated the following:
Hopefully in the coming days the public will have more information about these privately held companies that have been given full public trust, despite the fact they are privately held, and have very little information available to the public to be able to determine if they are unbias or connected to foreign entities.
The Dominion Voting Machines have a long history of “glitches” and other defects during elections in the past, including in the Canadian Province of New Brunswick
and the state of Georgia during the 2020 Presidential Election.
It would seem Texas was the only State that knew the issue's with Dominion System's Voting, and their corruption.
Dominion Voting Systems was founded in Canada in 2003. It has become one of the largest equipment makers in 2010 through several acquisitions, including a subsidiary of Diebold Inc/Sequioa and rival ES&S purchased the Diebold unit in 2009 but was forced to sell it following a Justice Department antitrust ruling. Staple Street Capital, a New York-based middle-market private equity firm, and Dominion’s management team bought it out.
What is most disturbing about Dominion Voting Systems? The company actively engages in Philanthropy, and Lobbying of Politicians. How can such a system ever earn the trust of the public at large? And, boy are they connected to politicians, and NGO's.
Dominion Voting is listed in the Washington Post table as having donated between (US)$25,001-(US)$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2014.
The company itself is Canadian, but registered in Delaware. Joe Biden's state. Dominion Voting Systems is founded by John Poulos, and James Hoover. They both attended Canadian Universities, however there is very little information about whether they are Canadian Citizens or not. Both have deep ties to Silicon Valley, and it appears James Hoover lives in the heart of Silicon Valley. It's no surprise they use computer components from China. In addition to it's headquarters being located in Toronto, they also have locations in Denver, New York and San Francisco.
Their bio, and how they created this massive corporation sound very similar to that of Google, and Facebook. Poulos, and James Hoover met during a previous business venture in Silicone Valley. As students, they had a vision for introducing technology into the voting process. As Canadian students, they started the business from the ground up. Dominion is now in about 150 municipalities and has been used in a number of Canadian provincial and municipal elections. It also has voting machines in 1,000 US counties across 35 states. Dominion was ranked No. 2 on Deloitte’s 2009 list of the 50 fastest-growing Canadian tech firms. Poulos was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award in 2013 for his philanthropic work, as all corrupt Globalists are.
Dominion Voting System CEO John Poulos Co-Founded The Delian Project. This Project speaks clearly about who's at the wheel of this technocracy.

Those affiliate organizations that partnered with the Delian Project tell so much about the agenda of this Globalist Organization. Besides having partnered with the Clinton Foundation for an initiative, they also Partner with the following organizations:

This is the Projects Goals, which inspires to adhere to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

These are the two individuals on the Board of Director's of the Delian Project.

In Canada, Federal Elections use paper ballots, and are still manually counted. The Dominion Voting Systems are used in many Provincial and Municipal elections, depending on the Provinces election laws. This would explain how Justin Trudeau just happened to have a fully stocked cabinet of Socialist Globalists ready to go on day one. Infiltration, not invasion. In fact, I would guess multiple methods of cheating would likely be used, in order to not create suspicion if too many ballots were injected into one source. Some of these methods may be having illegal migrants vote, and the filling out of blank ballots. The Soro's Globalist machine has the technique perfected.
The amount of political connections tied to Dominion Voting Systems is absolutely overwhelming. One thing is for certain, they are being funded very well by the Globalist Deep State.
In 2018, Staple Street Capital, a leading New York-based, middle-market private equity firm acquired Dominion Voting Systems. The Company focuses on business services, chemicals, communications, media, software, consumer, retail, distribution, energy, healthcare, and financial sectors. Staple Street Capital serves clients in the United States.
An executive board member of Staple Street Capital, William Earl Kennard, is a former ambassador to the EU who was appointed to that position by former President Barack Obama. Kennard was appointed FCC chairman by Bill Clinton. Kennard was also on John Kerry's foreign policy advisory board. In 2018, Dominion announced it had been acquired by its management team and Staple Street Capital. On November 6, Kennard was named to the board of Warner Media parent AT&T, which owns CNN.

A 2014 State of California document indicates Dominion’s agent of record at that time was Boston lawyer Michael Bevilacqua of Wilmer Hale. Former special prosecutor Robert Mueller works for that firm. The Dominion firm made $44 million in 2012, according to the form. It listed its addresses for manufacturing and development as Toronto; Belgrade, Serbia; Denver; Plano, Texas; and Baldwin Park, California.

A 2020 filing gives their registered agent as Cogency Global in Florida. Its directors were listed as Hootan Yaghoobzadeh of Staple Street Capital, Stephen Owens, also of Staple Street, and Benjamin Humphreys. Yaghoobzadeh and Owens have past ties to the Carlyle Group DC investment firm. The Carlyle Group is heavily funded by George Soro's, and has been for many years. In 1993 alone, Soro's gave Carlyle Group 100 million dollars. It has a sordid history, of being a CIA investment firm.
In addition, Dominion Voting Systems “hired its first, a high-powered firm that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi…Dominion’s first-ever lobbying firm is Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck. Nadeam Elshami, Pelosi’s former chief of staff, is one of the lobbyists on the account.”

According to the Gateway Pundit, Diane Feinstein's husband is a major shareholder in Dominion Voting Systems. Diane Feinstein's husband has extensive ties to China. Feinstein had a Chinese Spy who was in her employ for 20 years working as a driver.

The next, and perhaps biggest tie to George Soro's and Dominion Voting Systems-Lord Mark Malloch Brown. Malloch-Brown was the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 1979 to 1983. He was development specialist at the World Bank from 1994 to 1999, administrator of the United Nations Development Programme from 1999 to 2005 and United Nations Deputy Secretary-General from April to December 2006. In 2007, he became Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) with responsibility for Africa, Asia and the United Nations in UK Parliament. In 2007, Mallock Brown was sworn in to “Her Majesty’s” most honorable Privy Council and appointed as a Knight Commander (KCMG), an elitist title bestowed upon only the most senior of civil servants by the Queen of England.

Malloch Brown became chairman of the board of directors of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer Smartmatic in 2014. Citing Malloch Brown's former and present relationship with politicians in the Philippines as well as his role in Smartmatic, the IBON Foundation, a non-profit research organization based in the Philippines, criticized him as being "a foreigner who made a career out of influencing elections".
Understand, UK Based Smartmatic is the company that provides the Software for Dominion Voting Systems machines. Smartmatic’s chairman is Mark Malloch Brown, a former vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds, who remains deeply involved in international affairs. The company’s globalist ties have caused members of the media and government officials to raise questions about its involvement in the U.S. electoral process.
He also has served as Chair of the Royal African Society, among other non-governmental and private sector roles, such as membership of the Executive Committee of the International Crisis Group.
While working for Refugees International, he was part of the Soros Advisory Committee on Bosnia in 1993–94, formed by Soros. He has a close relationship with Soros, and even rented an apartment owned by Soros while working in New York on UN assignments.
While serving as United Nations Development Program Administrator, Malloch Brown spoke beside Soros in 2002 suggesting that United Nations and Soros's Open Society Institute, as well as other organizations, work together to fund humanitarian functions.
In May 2007, Soros's Quantum Fund announced the appointment of Malloch Brown as vice-president. In September 2007, he had resigned this position on becoming a government minister in the UK. Also in May 2007, Malloch Brown was named vice-chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute, two other important Soros organizations.
Lord Malloch Brown is also the co-founder of the Business and Sustainable Development Commission along with Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever. The panel helped draft Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 17, which aims to ‘to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.'”

Malloch Brown is heavily connected to Canada's Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, and offered congratulations on the Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau's 2015 win. Chrystia Freeland has heavy ties to George Soros and the Ukraine. Her sister owns an apartment in the Ukraine. They must be frequent flyers!

Are we beginning to see the big picture? And, no surprise he has extensive ties to the Clinton Foundation, Sir Richard Branson, Frank Guistra, and many other common players in this fraud. In March of 2020, Canadian Frank Guistra joined the The International Crisis Group as Co-Chair of Group's Board of Directors. "Mr. Giustra will serve alongside Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Chair of the Board since 2013."

Malloch Brown's reach is never-ending. Here is a graph of all the organizations he is connected to:

Malloch Brown has a twitter account, and it would seem he has a strong opinion on who should be the next President of the United States. After all, what does he have to lose?

This swamp is incredibly deep, with endless connections. I will continue to research, as I'm sure this is just the beginning of familiarizing ourselves with Dominion Voting Systems and who REALLY owns and controls the voting machines that were used in the 2020 Presidential Election!
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Thnaks for the information.. It was like a all in one... we will get the the whole information from this blog ...
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Thanks for putting it all together in this post. Being on twitter all the time, I had heard bits and peaces and even tried to figure out the Malloch Brown tweets you sent.
Sometimes you need more than 140 characters.