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The Tale of 2 Peter's-Both Philanthropists, 1 Arrested, 1 Married into the Weston Family

Updated: Oct 23, 2020

While looking into Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's latest scandalous family vacation, I came across a very interesting, unexpected finding.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claims to be renting a cottage at Pointe au Baril, Georgian Bay, and insists he is not staying with the Weston family, heralded as Canada's Royal Family and owners of a luxurious cottage in the area. Anybody with a pulse would find the suggestion that the Prime Minister of Canada would rent a cottage for his vacation through an Airbnb absurd.

I was spinning my wheels, trying to look more into the Weston family finding very little geneology information when I decided to look into who else owns an island or cottage at Pointe au Baril.

A former chairman of the Weston Foundation owns his own float plane, and is able to jet from his office in Toronto, and be at his lush cottage in a matter of one hour. That former chairman's name is Geordie Dalglish. Peter and Camilla Dalglish's son.


"He takes disadvantaged kids on first plane rides over Lake Ontario." My mind was racing!

How is he related to Peter Dalglish? It turns out, Geordie is his son. Peter Dalglish is married to Camilla WESTON. It turns out there are two Philanthropists named Peter Dalglish. What are the odds?

I've been researching for some time into the Street Kids International and United Nations worker Peter Dalglish, who was also awarded the Order of Canada in 2016

and convicted of sexually abusing two minor's in Nepal.

In almost every publication, the same photo is used of Mr. Dalglish, and his Ex-Wife Nienke Schaap is quoted, stating "It's not Peter." They allegedly have a daughter together.

In an interview with The Fifth Estate last December, Nienke Schaap, Dalglish's ex-wife, said that "when she heard of the charges, her immediate reaction was that it was a "setup."

She and Dalglish were married for five years and have a daughter together.

"It's not Peter. It's so against his values, everything, I can't picture it," said Schaap. "Peter has a good value system. I know that. I've been around him for a long time, and I can't imagine that Peter crossed the line. There is no way."

There is no photo of Peter Dalglish I can locate of him receiving the Order of Canada in 2016.

It would appear these are two different people. There weren't many photo's I could locate of Mr. Peter Dalglish. There were a few taken in 2018 at some charity gala's. This would also appear to be the same Peter Dalglish on the Prince's Trust Board with Marc Kielburger, which is actually more interesting considering the Weston Connection.

This was found on the Weston Family Wiki Page

It makes me wonder if Justin and his family are vacationing with young Geordie Dalglish who began his career with Loblaw Companies Ltd and is currently the President of a private real estate investment firm in Toronto. Considering the Loblaw government bailout, I would think this is a safe bet given their proximity in age.

Is there any relation to THE Peter Dalglish that was arrested in Nepal? None that I can locate. I do find this very bizarre, especially considering how connected Peter Dalglish, the UN worker was to children's organizations, and Charity's, as well as receiving the Order of Canada. There is no digital footprint online AT ALL about either of the Peter's parents, family, siblings etc.

The Weston Family has many royal connections. MANY. I suppose there's a reason they're considered Canada's Royal Family!

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