The crisis in the Suez Canal has caught the attention of the World.

The Ever Given, a 200,000 ton ship, was built in 2018. It is operated by the Taiwanese transport company Evergreen Marine. The ship itself is owned by Shoei Kisen Kaisha (a ship owning and leasing subsidiary of the large Japanese shipbuilding company Imabari Shipbuilding, and time chartered and operated by container transportation and shipping company Evergreen Marine. Ever Given is registered in Panama, and its technical management is the responsibility of the German ship management company Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement.
The Ever Given caught the attention of Anons around the world, as it was assigned the odd callsign, H3RC. For those unaware, it's an odd coincidence H3RC is very similar to HRC=Hillary Clinton. In addition, the tugboat that first came to the rescue is named "Baraki." Hillary Clinton's secret service name is "Evergreen." Evergreen is the name of the transport company for the "Ever Given." Coincidences like this happen all the time, right? Call signs are regulated by The International Telecommunications Union in Geneva, Switzerland. The union is a “specialized agency” of the United Nations. Interesting!

Mainstream Media outlets IMMEDIATELY began "debunking" claims about the association between Hillary Clinton and the Evergreen ship. They didn't debunk the odd, let's just say, route pattern the Ever Given maneuvered just prior to getting stuck in the Suez Canal. The Ever Given either gave somebody the big middle finger, although most feel it is a big dick mapped just before getting stuck in the Suez Canal and cutting off most Global Trade.

It first got lodged in the canal at about 7:45 a.m. March 23, 2021 halting traffic in a key shipping channel between the Mediterranean and Red seas. The Canal provides the shortest sea link between Asia and Europe, and accounts for about 12% of all Global Trade. The ship originated in China, with it's final destination being the port city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
The Mainstream Media, in their rush to debunk any information relating to Hillary Clinton, and her connection to Child Sex Trafficking failed to address the overwhelming amount of evidence that exists relating to the 2010 Haiti Earthquake . There's a reason millions of people, and those strongly against the scourge of Child Trafficking believe she is involved in this type of nefarious activity-including Bill Clinton's connection to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
The Suez Canal runs through Egypt. In 2018, 75 people were detained in Egypt, including high profile government officials for human trafficking. To believe adults and children are not smuggled through shipping containers in the Suez Canal is simply false. It has happened, and happens all the time-not just at that Port, but around the world.
In fact, in 2016 "Egypt passed legislation to crack down on a growing smuggling industry along its northern seaboard. The law imposes prison terms and fines on those found guilty of smuggling potential migrants or acting as brokers or middlemen."
The Suez Canal is perhaps the most valuable 193km of water on the planet. And it's history is jaded by Rothschild bank loans and wars fought for control of the waterway. Since 1979, the UN peacekeeping force has been replaced by the Multinational Force and Observers, under an agreement by the US, Israel, Egypt and multiple other nations.
Shipping containers have been used by smugglers for many years, to traffic humans, children, drugs, weapons. This is widely known. It should come as no surprise to Mainstream Media that this news would catch the eye of groups against human and child trafficking. Especially following the Lorry incident in the UK where 39 Vietnamese migrants lost their lives being shipped illegally into the UK.
While there may not be anything suspect in the shipping containers on the "Ever Given" it is quite possible there are a number of containers on the vessel that may have human beings trapped aboard. This is what the World would like to know, and rightly so. While the event seems to have been caused by human error, and weather conditions, there are many odd coincidences associated with the Suez Canal Crisis.
In addition to trafficking, the Suez Canal has a history of Israeli spies being caught and arrested, Russian Subs in the canal. Which takes me to the next coincidence. Ghislaine Maxwell had a passion for the oceans, and owned company named "Terra-Mar." She had a submarine license, and married the owner of CargoMetrix Scott Borgerson who created the "NSA of the Ocean."

This is the logo for the Suez Canal Authority. Probably just another coincidence, I'm sure.

While it seems unlikely they will be unloading the containers off the Ever Given, it would be in the public interest to do so, and inspect each one. This error is causing billions of dollars. Why wouldn't they investigate the EVERGREEN and every inch of cargo aboard?